`[H]er [L]ife; s.m.i.l.e .Dark.iLLuSiOn.rOx.her.wOrLd. `
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` Tuesday, January 08, 2008
The last semester of sch seems to be a struggling semester for me. I began to lose enthusiasm in my studies, the motivation to do my work is reducing greatly.

Hai, i have been skipping classes so much than my previous semesters. And i began to grew lazy having to come to class. this truly suckss.. i wun wan to repeat my sem but it seems like my own attitude is failing me.

What can i do? Who can render a helping hand to pull me out of darkness and bring me back my enthusiasm in my studies? Only me battling against the darker side, a truly defeating battle for me. I wonder, ponder, think, analyze but i couldnt figure things out. I will try to brush up but hoping for a lending help will definitely boost my morale to win this battle more.

Hmm assignment week!! work work work.. hai.. sian.. =(

signing.off -[N]a.*- ナディア

` Tuesday, October 16, 2007
I reached school 20 minutes early and found no one in the room except for MR KONG, the lecturer.

He say "Hi" so do i. We smiled and i sat on the second row. Set up my computer and strt friendstering since i have nothing much to do. Students strts to flow in and ta-dah, i saw bel and ty. My kaki.. yea.. den saw the name list.. woot!! so many of my kaki in the same class. excitement overwhelmed us that makes us talk non-stop.. Came to know that yesterday lesson was about installing the app to your comp and doing nth.. relieved that nth was taught and i din miss anything much. (;

My first lesson is DOA. Din nth but installing the new office 2007. WTF need to buy so many books and all is like 2x^ zz.. DOA, SCM, freaking IS mods and what else.. gosh!1 guess going to spend alot but this isnt the issue. the issue is the books are freaking thick, as thick as a dictionary.. imaging me having to bring laptop and a freaking dictionary-like textbook arnd.. oh great.. just kill me.. ooo.. thinking in another prespective, it aids me in losing weight because i'm carrying weight consistently for the next 6mths.. wahahahaha

Oops, cherie caught me blogging so she DEMAND me to mention her in my blog entry.. Ta-dah.. CHERIE CHERIE bombom.. i aso caught her.. she came, armed herself with vcd/dvd, ipod, earpiece and guess what.. it's movie mania on her cozy corner.. (;

signing.off -[N]a.*- ナディア

` Friday, August 03, 2007
Finally, the moment arrived.. YEA!!! It's my last day @ GridNode. Woosh..

Had my viva presentation ytd w/o any hiccups.. The presentation was pretty smooth. Cleared all my school work, cleared all my work work, clear all my burden and stress.. I'm FREEE.. I see the glimpse of FREEDOM emerging out of the darkness bits by bits and by 6pm today, i'll see a full sky of bright rays of FREEDOM.

How do i define FREEDOM?!
The definition of FREEDOM in x n a's dictionary is the release of x n a from immerse stress and workload to the world of peace and relax..

Wooshh.. counting down from 10.40am.
Lunch will be held at Jackson Claypot, setting off at 12.15pm. Hope the lunch will be a super long lunch so that i can smell the breeze of freedom approaching near.

counting down: 11am 12pm 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm - 12pm to 2pm = hmm, guess what i couldn't even count my hours right.. but all i noe, 6pm is the time i am waiting forward to.. YEA!!!

Mood meter is almost bursting, bursting with happiness. Simply couldn't contain my excitement any further. I might explode!!! EXPLODED!!! YEAHHHHH!!! *clap hands*

signing.off -[N]a.*- ナディア

` Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Take a look at this post below. I caught 1 IHP student mocking fun at all IP students. I even captured screenshot as evidence to prove this IHP BAD GUY guilty of his words.. JULIUS, *hiak hiak* YOU ARE DEADMEAT!!!


On behalf of all IP students, I demand public apology. The apology should first and foremost compliment me, NADIAH. UNDERSTAND LUCY!!
I will await your apology to be public-ated. (;

signing.off -[N]a.*- ナディア

` Friday, July 20, 2007
I'm here to share a story that i find interesting. I hope you will share the sentiment as me. Well cheers to those who agrees with me and perish from the surface of earth for those who doesn't. hees.


For a flying start of this story, i shall share with you some interesting characters. Look out for Gui the SHUAI ah gua, the 7 little 38s and the cute dubbling Danish and the heavenly pretty princess, Na and lastly the wrapped up mummy, J.

Kingdom of AHGUA and WEIRDOS was initially known as Kingdom of Happy Na but will the attempts to take over the kingdom by the ahgua and weirdos be successful?! They took advantage of her kindness, naiveness and unselfishness in sharing her kingdom's wealth and peace with them. This gave them the opportunity to seize the kingdom without having to engage into a battle.

The 7 warriors of Kingdom of Happy Na,

The kingdom was entangled with fast-pace spreading fire rumors about the 7 female warriors who are always caught gossiping about the military affairs or complaining about their husbands' flaws.

Loyal left advisor (Kneeling on 1 knee): Your highness! your loyal subject has words of honesty to let you know. Please give your loyal subject a chance to convince you that the rumors are true.
Princess Na: Please raise. Spare the formality my loyal subject. I never doubt your words before so do speak your heartfelt words my loyal subject.
Loyal left advisor: Your highness! The rumor is spreading fast like wild fire about your beloved 7 warriors are proven true. They failed to fulfil their duty and the assistant general has been doing their duty for 7 years. Your highness! please probe this matter and address the matter with an appropriate solution.
Princess Na: NO!! *shake head shake* Accusation should not be happening in this peaceful kingdom. My loyal subject, you had disappoint me utterly.
Loyal left advisor: Your highness! Allow me to prove you this accusation is to be true. I have captured thier gossiping session with my well hidden 3.2 mega-pixel camera

Princess Na has left with no choice but to force the 7 warriors to step down from their posts and promote the assistant general thus rewarding the adviser with hefty sum of golds.

The advisor was GUI the SHUAI ah gua. This is one of his motive to win the trust of the Princess as well as to gain respect for his bravery to oppose the 7 warriors.

GUI the SHUAI ah gua,

The guardian angel of Princess Na was the cute dubbling Danish. However, he was also subdued by the monstrous GUI. Every year, Kingdom of Happy Na will organise a SMILEY campaign to encourage smiles in the kingdom. This year, the featured 2 person is DANISH AND GUI. Please view poster below:

******************THE POSTER OF THE YEAR******************

QUOTE OF THE DAY: Having a smile brightens up everyone day.
Smile to win attractive prizes. Do check our the website now.

Even cute dabbling Danish is subdued by GUI. Who could be the saviour of this Kingdom?! GUI planning the his success to overthrow Princess Na. He hatched a plan to dispense his evil aura to Princess Na. He bought her for a walk down the Lala Garden, dispensing his evil aura, slowly immersing into her body. Her secret guardian angel took a snapshot of him but is was to misty that the snapshot focus more on the evil aura surrounding her.
The evil aura:

The supposed "saviour" appears!!! Ta-dah!!! Wrap himself up to protect his identity. He only wish to be the secret guardian angel of Princess Na. Woosh!!

A tough battle they fought lasted for months and the Princess Na was in hibenation because of the evil aura. Who won the battle?! Who was defeated?

Strings of QN MARKS lies within my reader's head!! wahaha..

Finally, the winner emerged!! and guess who won the battle!! It was Princess Na's REAL secret guardian. YUMI the CAT!!! After the long battle, she rested in her own comfort.


signing.off -[N]a.*- ナディア

` Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Woot!! Another 13 more days to freedom from attachment. GREAT!!

After which i will be in search of job again. working part time somewhere else. Wasnt all for money, just dun wanna rot at home doing nothing fruitful. Hmm..mm i havent tot of what i would like to try out now. I tried admin jobs, operator job. I wish to go into food industry but my baby discourage so!

Well heed his advice. =) I would probably go back to UOB Credit Card Center to do some marketing work. Learning experience in handling events. =) Heard that my department has shifted to TPY HUB. great!! Nearer to my place. wooshh..

Anyway, went back to school on mon. Oh gosh.. i go gaga over my frens.. saw heaps of frens back in school. Let me name some.. HMM..

Alex the cutie handsome, Cherie and Jac my beloved 38 khakis, Izwan and the fa-fu guy, Simon the smelly rotten bandit, Amy the giant and vivian the ICT "xiao hua". Lionel the hunkie gentleman, mark the cool guy, Devilly Oran Zane the angmoh cutie pie, Lai Shao Bin the flirtish young lect, Chen Jen Tock the sotong young at heart, old at age lect, Lee Chin Seng the botak to be mentor, my T06 juniors, Tchin the secondary sch old bully, Adeline the cold turkey, Wee keng the small eyes and i think that is all about it. Couldnt think of anyone more alr..

p.s I'm missing him badly. <3s

signing.off -[N]a.*- ナディア

` Thursday, June 28, 2007
I must blog about this experience i had on bus 31 because if u are taking bus 31, u might have chances to face this bus captain so dun be surprised or think otherwise. He is not crazy, He is plain POLITE and FRIENDLY.

Do nominate him as one of your "star" bus captain alright?!!

Let me introduce to you his 口头禅


Isn't he real cute and polite?!! Do nominate him. But i wonder if he create this 口头禅 himself?!! He makes real great effort to please u passengers so do appreciate it.

signing.off -[N]a.*- ナディア

` Wednesday, June 27, 2007
fiona rated my blog NC16.
She is still waiting for mature contents to be uploaded before she grade my blog M18

For R21 blog, please view www.atemptressinme.blogspot.com because mine will nv be a R21 blog.


signing.off -[N]a.*- ナディア

` Wednesday, June 27, 2007
WTF.. Initially, i tio fucking dragged into some Intel project standard package thingy. I was only told to do Excel Template Interface Design only..

SBS and now that fucking KS ask me to learn how to put in simple programming codes to the action buttons. He only noe how to KJW..
He said "Aiya the codings all very simple one.. Just some simple mathematical terms like qty * amount = subtotal. no scientific calculation at all what.." He also said "Aiya u can one la. u add the formula in den over time we can just change the formula to fit other country. Not difficult." And his LJ last words is "Consult Soon Shiong

NBCB, he talk talk talk.. SBS Up til now, still haven't standardize the damn 3A4 template. How can we start on our template?!! The fucking dateline is so tight, he still so fussy about the mandatory fields. MCB, he fucking no meaning. Ask me to do some many things as if i got all the time in the world.

Arghhhh.. so simple he fucking dunno how to do himself meh.. CB, stupid buckgay.. hahahaha.. =))

finish scolding le.. sb shuang!!!

signing.off -[N]a.*- ナディア

` Wednesday, June 27, 2007
[G]ym [F]renzy


Want to be like her?! Take up gyming now!! Don't wait!!

Gym-ing is much easier compared to those strenuous exercises like jogging, swimming.

Gym is a sport that allow focus to be set on. You can choose to focus on building up your back muscles, your chest muscles. Anyway u like!! This is the advantage. Toning up your body now at BISHAN SPORT COUNCIL OR YIO CHU KANG SPORT COUNCIL!!

Admission fee of S$2.50 will be charged.. Please be properly geared and a hand towel is needed for entrance else you can choose to purchase them at the counter.

Promoting ends here.


wahahahahaha.. gosh.. i sounded so kuku.. promoting gym!! wth.. i got nth better else to blog la.. dun have any happenings to update.. so do bo liao stuff.. no happy can dun read.. wee~ Some additional treatsss.. for my loyal fan.. mellissa.. =)

signing.off -[N]a.*- ナディア

` Tuesday, June 26, 2007

•x[N]a™• ナディア ♥ PHUAH GUI WEN *bite u* says:
•x[N]a™• ナディア ♥ PHUAH GUI WEN *bite u* says:
i think gd period is over
•x[N]a™• ナディア ♥ PHUAH GUI WEN *bite u* says:
i have alot of things to do le..
•x[N]a™• ナディア ♥ PHUAH GUI WEN *bite u* says:
PS excel templates
•x[N]a™• ナディア ♥ PHUAH GUI WEN *bite u* says:
PD program testing
•x[N]a™• ナディア ♥ PHUAH GUI WEN *bite u* says:
S&M brochure printing, consolidate feedback, address feedback issue. e-learning, proposal
•x[N]a™• ナディア ♥ PHUAH GUI WEN *bite u* says:

WOOT! My dept is everywhere.. hahaha Nadiah 满天下.. [S]upergirl... fly fly fly.. =) zoommm...

signing.off -[N]a.*- ナディア


The gEr *


: * h.e.a.r.t. <3 潘贵文 much much



'her >=[

`Her Rants


*. GeRaLD .*
*. ChrIsTaBeL .*
*. JaQueLine IcE .*
*. Starry.Xuan .*
*. MeLLisSa .*
*. ZheN JiE 镇间 .*
*. JuLiuS .*
*. LiOneL .*
*. Ah Jac .*

*. Faggots .*
*. aManDa PigLet .*

Her Past ;

hatin` me w0nt make y0uu an inchh better off than ME;

there's nowhere to run
i have no place to go
surrender my heart body and soul
how can it be you're askin` me to feel the things you never show

xx July 2005xx August 2005xx September 2005xx October 2005xx November 2005xx December 2005xx January 2006xx February 2006xx March 2006xx April 2006xx April 2007xx May 2007xx June 2007xx July 2007xx August 2007xx October 2007xx January 2008

credits ;

images; lara fairie
brushes; none
fonts; dafont
designed; j-wen